Monday, May 07, 2012

A Special Lunch

This Sunday, NorthBridge had some special guests: the Gouzoules family.  It was amazing to hear Chris speak, even when the power went out because of the storm.  It was so reassuring to hear from another person (in person) that has a passion for helping oppressed people groups.  He also spoke about how due to the oppression there is abuse that has gone down from generation to generation to generation.  He told a story of a man who broke this cycle, what a courageous man of God!  He also told a story about a young man from the town where his family lives, that has gone to an oppressed and impoverished people group and is making a difference.  He and many others have helped build homes, have a road, better themselves, and know Christ.  There is so much to the story, but basically they would feel like progress is being made and then they would run into an obstacle (this over and over again), but each time God overcame them.
After the service, the missions team took them out to lunch.  It was awesome to sit with them and hear more stories and really get to know them.  It was so uplifting to hear stories and what life has been like for them in the States, I believe this if their first time back in 10 years (I might be mistaken).  They also asked me about going to Australia.  Chris was so supportive and said great things about YWAM.  They also live really close to where I work, so I hope to get together with them before I leave.
I sometimes forget what it is like to spend time with someone who also has a heart for international missions and oppressed people groups.  This is mostly due to the fact that most of those people are serving overseas already.  There is just a spirit of shared passion that feeds off of one another.  I left feeling so encouraged and fired up.  It was also a time the God used to reinforce me going, which I try to always welcome.

I was also encouraged on Sunday, to go back and post the rest of my Bangladesh journal and my Zambia one...please comment and let me know if that is something that you would be interested in.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

What an amazing morning! Its sooo encouraging to hear and see how God is at work in more places than we can comprehend. I would love to see your other journals :)