Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hello from LAX International Terminal

I am so sorry that it has been a while since I have posted, but this has been a crazy few weeks.  I have been getting ready to go and today was/is that day.  I have been blessed to spend time with friends and family.  I have had every meal under the sum with co-workers, family, friends, youth students, (you name it I probably ate with them); running errands with my sister, friends, and youth students; had a missions team meeting; been prayed over by ladies bible study, the missions team, and the church; and a bunch more (a few parties and a youth conference).  I also finished reading the Bible all the way through.  I started on September 19th and I finished June 25th.  I feel it is a real accomplishment.  I barely thought that I would be ready for today...but I am...I hope.  
On Sunday, I also got to baptize two of the high school kids from church.  It was such an honor for them both to ask me!  I was blown away.  If you have facebook you should check out the photos!  They are awesome.  I might have left the church picnic with tears in my eyes, but that wasn't all bad.  Part of the reason for the tears was the idea of not seeing these people who I have come to love.  I have so felt at home with NorthBridge and currently it is hard to imagine my life without them (even if it is just a season).
Yesterday was family day.  It was so nice to just enjoy time with my family, even if at times we were just running places or sitting together.  My sister blew me away.  She gave me a HUGE stack of letters.  Some from family and friends, but the most from here (one for every 3 days).  I felt/feel so loved and it blows me away that she took the time to do that.  I have also gotten a bunch of letters from other family and friends, so thank you to all of you!  I so was blessed by all of this time with people.
Today, I got up early and started to get a bunch of last minute things done: laundry, cleaning, getting my car sorted, having coffee/chai with Emily and Natalie, and spending time with Hilary and Dakota.  I cannot believe that today is actually here.  The idea of not sleeping at home for such a long time blows me away and I can't get my head around it.  Carolyn ran by for a last might goodbye and drop off of even more letters.  My Dad took me to the airport and it was hard for me to say goodbye.  I made it through security and sat by my gate.  I opened a letter from the Rikers.  There was a picture of LT with his Starbucks :) and there were the words that I needed to read to push the boohoos away and bring in the excitement.  
The flight over flew by (no pun intended) and was uneventful.  Shout out to Jessica for the Sudoku book...that will keep me entertained :) Now I just had the weirdest dinner at the LAX airport (caved into my cravings): Sushi and Pinks Hotdogs.  It was good though.  Now I am doing to watch some Masterchef Australia (another guilty pleasure) and then head off to my gate.  So, so long for now.  Thanks for all of the prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh Heather this came soooo fast! I can't believe it. I'm sure you're excited, nervous, exhausted and hopefully meeting some great people... At least you'll be speaking English! For the 1st part anyway. I'm praying for you. Stay positive. Sleep when you can! This will be such an amazing journey. Enjoy all the moments you will be surprised how fast time will go. God is going to provide everything you need. I'm praying this will be a trip that sends you exactly where the Lord wants you to be long term reaching those who don't know him. You are amazing. The Holy Spirit is so alive and flowing out of you. God is going to use you in mighty ways. Love you! Jessica Gruenewald.