Monday, April 16, 2012

Prayer Answered

One day last week, I realized that I would need to really look into what will be happening with my work insurance while I am on leave.  Will I get to keep it?  Will I have to pay for it?  Will it be a loss of coverage?  Will my Australian Student Insurance count?  Will I have to buy other insurance?  So many questions.  I sent out an email or two and tried to get to the bottom of the mater.  I could not really get a straight answer because my school has never had to really deal with a situation like mine.  They had to call the insurance provider and talk to a bunch of different people including a VP of either the company or a department (I am not sure).  I had to give them more information about my insurance while I am over there and I was told that if they did not recognize another countries insurance that I would have to pay anywhere from $900-$3,125.  That is a lot of money that I had not worked into the budget.  So I started to pray, asked others to pray, and waited.  After about 4-5 days, I got my answer.  They will recognize the overseas insurance and the most I will have to pay is one month minimum coverage of my choice for a just in case when I am back here from Dec. 19th- the day I start working in January (I believe Jan. 14th).  So that is a huge PRAISE GOD!  Thank you to those who knew about it and where praying.  Thank you to those who were just praying without knowing.  Keep praying! God is working wonders!

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