Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My amazing family

This past weekend I had the opportunity to go and visit family down south (North Carolina and Virginia).  It was such a blessing to go see my family members and spend quality time with them.  It is so unreal to see my little cousins all taller then me (grades 9, 10, and 11).  Where did the time go and how did they get so tall???? It was also a great opportunity to really catch up on what is going on with their lives and share what is happening with me.  It was AMAZING to show them my past missions video I made and talk about my past trips.  In years previous, the boys have been too young to really understand all that I did and why I was going there.  This time they were so involved and drawn in.  It was amazing to hear their thoughts.  At one point, they all expressed desires to go and help out over seas.  In fact, Vincent (the oldest of the three) said he wants to look for a college where he will get to travel.  Max, who is in 10th grade, shared his passions about volunteer work and I heard about him helping out with Habitat for Humanity, which he had not shared previously.  Two or all three of them (including Eric the youngest) called me their hero and said they would love to do these things when they get older.  That night is something that I will cherish, especially when I am feeling worn down and want to quit, which I am sure I will.  It was great to visit with my Aunt Julie; she has done more world traveling then I have and it is always so great to talk about countries and cultures with her.  She has such a tender heart for people and helps out in so many different ways (through work, volunteering, and her personal relationships).  It is truly inspiring.  I also got to catch up with my Uncle Rick and Aunt Beth.  My Uncle started an organization a while back that I truly respect.  You can read more about it at http://www.mrricksballerz.net/ which is the organizations website.  I also had great quality time with my Aunt Beth and Mom late on Friday night and in the morning on Saturday.  They might have gotten a little carried away with the nursing speak, but their love of education and the field could be contagious if I understood what they were saying.  I got to spend the majority of the time with my Grandma and her husband John.  It was nice and relaxing to read and take naps at their awesome lakeside house.  We also had fun in the truly unique experience of a poker run...nothing else like it.  Finally, we ended the weekend with a trip to Red Robin...yummm!  I got to see my cousin Anthony.  Wow it is crazy to see how much we both have changed.  He and I both use to pick on each other and wrestle...he might have, at one point, given me a bloody nose, which I am sure I deserved for pulling on his rat tail.  I also got to meet his friend, who was super nice.  As a whole the weekend went by in a flash and now I am beyond exhausted.  Please be praying for them when I am gone and that I miss them the appropriate amount when I am gone.

Here are a couple pics from outside Red Robin (more to come)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You inspire me my dear Niece and I LOVE YOU so very much!!
Aunt Beth