Friday, June 08, 2012

Oh Canada! My home and native land! and so much more.

Wow it is late; I did not even realize.  So this wont be too lengthy.  I got back from visiting family in Canada on Wednesday.  It was a great trip.  I got to see little Gabriel (my cousin Eli and his wife Tawny's son). He is beyond cute!  I also got to spend some time at my cousin Nathan and his wife Alicia's new home (also so cute).  It was so great to also see my Oma and Opa.  They watched my Mission Journey video.  I so enjoyed really getting to talk with my family without needing to run around for a wedding, which has been the past two visits.  It is amazing how time has changed all of us.  We are real people and not the same old cousins that tormented each other.
I also had time to really sit and relax.  I have been go, go, go since I can't even remember when.  So I had time to not think about work, since I am done till 2013, and realize that I have so little time till I leave.  AHHHHH from this moment I leave in 18 days.  I can hardly believe that.  I am speaking with Matty, who is our team leader for the July DTS.  He seems cool and I saw in a photo that he has a hat like Ture's which made me happy.  He has a wife and daughter (I believe 10-11 months old).  I will let you know more about my team mates as I meet them.
Since coming back things have been a blur.  I am starting to move things around and consolidate my things.  I got the dog groomed, my teeth cleaned, hung out with friends (Hey Tiffany and Anthony), and met up with my sixth grade social studies teacher, Dr. Gold.  That was such a blessing.  It was so encouraging to talk to him and show him pictures.  He has always been a teacher that has inspired me and who I have tried to model myself after, hence part of the reason I have my students act out Romeo and Juliet with props.  Tomorrow will be a blur too, time with friends (Casey and the ladies of my book club). So if you want some good ole Heather time let me know ASAP via email, call, or text :)
Please be praying that I get everything done that I need to and see as many people as possible.

PS I broke down and re-opened my twitter it is if you want to follow

1 comment:

Mrs. Pam Gowland said...

Sweet! Heather, I just wanted you to know that I read this recent post of yours. I'm excited for you, for the work God is going to do in you, and through you. I'm on my 4th letter to give you for your trip!