Saturday, August 11, 2012

Relationship and a weekend get away

This week's topic was relationships.  Our speaker was Ben McClure, who is from New York, but has been on staff at YWAM Perth for a long while.  He was really great at weaving scripture with stories with application.  It was wonderful to have him as our speaker.  He first talked about what our relationship with God needs to look like.  He really made us think about the qualities of a good friend and that those are the qualities that God already possesses and we need to work on our end of the friendship.  He then spoke a lot about what our unity and friendships in a body of believers needs to look like.  That was very convicting and I realized that I really need to work on my own end of friendships and as a believer in a fellowship.   I really felt conviction with what Ben had to say about being committed to leadership and a vision.  He said "If God has called us to a vision, it is the WHOLE vision".  Often in the past, I have been known to question the direction of a team, or the choices of the leader.  I realized that I need to either get on board, because God has appointed that leader, or pray about if that is the vision I am suppose to be committed to.  The last two days he spoke about guy/girl romantic relationships.  At the start of the DTS, another student had given me this sermon to listen to and think about:
I thought it was good.  What Ben had to say was for the most part aligned with that.  However, Ben made the realize that it doesn't have to be so serious in our expectations...just because we are praying about dating someone does not mean we should assume that that person will be our spouse. God wants us to really get to know that person with healthy boundaries before we start praying about marriage.  It was good to also took a lot of pressure off from hearing from God about my future husband.
My weekend was a weekend with God...hence the getaway.  I spent from Friday night 10pm to Sunday 10am with God...alone.  He had called me to this last Friday and I spoke with my leaders and they approved.  I knew it had to be God asking me to do this because I would never want to spend so much time by myself without other people (if you really know me you know that this is true).  The weekend was really great.  God was so faithful in speaking to me and showing me why He called me away.  Here are somethings that I got out of the weekend:
There are a few other things but I am still processing through those.  Miss you guys.  Let me know what you think...aka leave comments.  
-God wants my full attention and wants to come first in how I spend my time
-Even if I am away from people I should not feel lonely because God is my comfort and wants to talk with me
-That being where God has called me to be (in His will) is what gives me peace about being here...not the people I am in fellowship with

That is all for right now...I am still prcessing through a couple of things that God spoke to me.  Thanks so much for taking the time to read this blog post.  Miss you guys.


Erica said...

I think the things that you are still processing through are all natural things any/many believers struggle with, no matter where God has appointed them in life. I may hold the complete opposite post as you, but it is comforting to know we have commonality in Christ when I am questioning if "this" is where He wants me. I may be rooted with a spouse and family and you may be on a missional adventure, but I think it's about more than where He has us at the moment, its about what we do while we are there.

It is super fantastic that you are lead to these deeper questions in your classes, but what a blessing for all of US to be able to get to follow along and ask ourselves the same questions. Thank you for sharing!

Nicole said...

t is so amazing to hear how much God is stretching you! A wise and beautiful mentor of mine once told me not to be afraid to struggle because God works in those moments and opens our hearts to continue to trust in Him. I'm so excited for you, and I can't wait for your next update!

Love you, Hezzah!