Friday, August 03, 2012

Top 10 Reasons I Love Being Here

I thought I would mix it up with a totally random post about the fun/amazing things that I love about being here (not saying that I don't miss people or things about home).  Some of them are funny, some of them are spiritual, and some are very random.

10: BEACHES. Yes Dad I have been to the beaches, however, I have only gone in ankle deep, so safe from the sharks.  The beaches are beautiful and peaceful (might be because it is winter here).  I love the sand, the smell, and the waves. 

9: Random people I meet.  I have had so many opportunities to meet random people.  This is either through staff friends, evangelism night, and going out into the city.  They have been friendly and welcoming.  It has made me feel at home.

8: Wednesday night bake nights. Wednesday evenings are our free night or study night.  A few of us have turned it into a baking evening where there may be random dancing, singing Disney songs, and/or watching movies.  I have been so excited for these nights.  It is at the sport dts student and staff house and the boys have loved the cookies. 

7: Working in the Café.  I have been so blessed by getting the work duty of the café.  Yes I have to clean the bathrooms, but I am so lucky with the fact that I get to combine things that I love: coffee and people.  I LOVE making coffees and chatting with people as I make it.  Even on days that are totally crazy I still love it.

6: Finding out where outreach will be.  We found out on that we are going to East Timor and Philippines.  I had never heard of East Timor before, but from what I have heard and read, it will be an amazing country to visit and serve in.

5: My fellow 228ers and 228 itself.  So in the past I have thought that I would enjoy living communally.  Well I was right.  I love living with 47 other people.  We have about 23 guys and 24 girls in one house…camp style.  I have a top bunk that I really like and I enjoy always having someone to hang out with. 

4: My ‘brothers’.  Three guys have adopted me as their big sister.  They have been so amazing and have made me feel so loved and special in a totally brother/sister way.  It has been encouraging and brought me so much joy.

3: My team. I have an amazing team with great leaders and I feel so fortunate.  They are all so different and have been encouraged and blessed by many of them.  My leaders have been encouraging and challenging (in the sense that they want me to grow).

2: Eagle Creek Community Church.  That is the church I have been attending since I have gotten here.  It is mostly Aboriginal families, but there are also families from New Zealand and Papa New Guinea.  There are some students I have already connected with and I have been asked to help out there already.

1: Realizing that God is revealing Himself to me.  This one is a little strange and complicated, so if you want more details email me, but basically it was on Wednesday and way amazing.


*Disclaimer...most of the list is not in actual order of like so do not be offended by the order*

1 comment:

Mom said...

Mom's #1 reason that Heather Loves being Here (I mean there).

Because she has been called and this is the next stepping stone along the Journey!