Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bangladesh Journal 7/12/06

By request I will be posting my old Bangladesh Journals (from where I left off):

Today no one went to their site, from the people who stayed at Grace House.  We went to hear a speaker at Dhaka University.  The speaker is from America and spoke on the different denominations in the US.  This was  very hard for me because I disagreed with many of his views and things he said.  I didn't feel as though he was lead by the Spirit, partly because he does not believe in the Trinity.  I tried to pray for him and what he was saying, but it was hard.  After the talk, we were taken to the head of the World Religion department's office.  This was the first and one of the only world religion departments in a Muslim nation.
From there we went to the British Council, which was air conditioned and so awesome.  They had a great children's learning center.  I had been feeling sick before but the cool air helped me to feel better.  From there we went back ti the Grace House for lunch.  A few team makes were being negative about the Trek in general. I agreed that certain things sucked, but they started to complain about people and worship meetings.  I was left feeling discouraged for them.  They came all this way and had this type of attitude.
We had debriefing about the speaker.  A few people felt similar to m, but it was encouraging to hear and be reminded of some good things that happened and were said.  After we had prayer and worship, I felt like this was good but I wasn't 100% focused on God and what I was saying and doing.  Before debriefing, the groups that has been at their sites all week came back.  I was so happy to see all their faces at worship.  We had dinner and I got to really catch up with people.  We also had debriefing as one large group.  I loved hearing every one's thoughts, emotions, and how their week went.  When we were done we had an hour to pack before going to bed.  We are going on a retreat tomorrow.  I'm excited.  We are also 1/2 done with the trip: 23 days done, 23 to go.  I can't believe we have been here this long.  I can't believe that I'm half way to being able to tell my story with everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi from China! Thanks for posting the Bangladesh journals! A lot of memories are coming back! It seems not that long ago when I read these writings. :-) Rachel