Sunday, September 16, 2012

Perth People

While many of you may think that being on a YWAM base that I would only be friends with YWAM people...for the most part you would be right.  However, there are a couple of people that I have gotten the amazing opportunity to hang out with and get to know through YWAM that are not YWAMers themselves.  There are a couple of brothers (Joel and Jesse) from a church that a staff member attends that have been attending Friday Night Meeting (FNM).  I first met them one night after the FNM out in Northbridge when some of us were out for bubble tea (a common YWAM occurrence).  The following week, I got to know them better after that FNM.  That Sunday was the Music DTS concert.  They came and brought two of their friends also from church.  I instantly feel in love and bonded with their friend Beth.  She is so much fun and has so many questions about DTS, she is hoping to do a DTS next summer (possibly music). She is just so sweet and personable.  I also met their friend Jake.  I have seen them on occasion since then.  Beth came to the April DTS' graduation and we got to chat when I was on break from my lectures.  On Friday night, after the meeting, we went out as a large group for late night coffee and played random games in the cafe.  It was really a great opportunity to bond.  I am kind of sad though because I am leaving on outreach and she is moving 45 minutes away for a nanny job.  However, this Sunday because the family that drives me to church with is on a weekend holiday, I went to church with them.  It was so great to sit by Beth and pray with her.  Also after church, we were treated to lunch by Jesse.  He has really displayed a servant and giving heart.  He is so willing to give of his time, his money, and his car for transportation.  Before lunch, we were invited into the brothers' family home for a bit.  Their dad actually picked us up from the train station before church.  Their family is so loving and inviting and kind.  Getting to know them has been such a great reminder to me about how God is displayed through people in all different ways and places.  Doing evangelism every week, I have meet some people who are not kind or caring and it has been wearing on me.  However, God has really used these four to show me His love through the local church body in Perth.  It was so God's timing after a long hard week to be loved on by fellow believers who are not from YWAM and who I do not know well or see everyday.  Thank you God for using your body of believers to encourage me and love on me.

PS I will be doing one more post before I leave for outreach next Sunday morning.  After that they might be few and far between due to lack of Internet when I am in the Kimberley's and the Philippines.  I will write an update when I have a three day break back at base between the two and another one for sure when we are here for report back week.  Thanks for reading :)

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