Saturday, September 08, 2012

Things that Paul Hawkins Says

This week we had a speaker named Paul Hawkins.  He has been in YWAM forever and is amazing.  Here is a link to a blurb on him: (please ignore the outdated camp registration).  Paul is known for his amazing one liners...they are gems.
-We need to be intolerant of what God is intolerant of.
-What you believe about God will determine what you believe about everything else.
-God holds back blessings at times because He wants us to grow in faith and spiritual muscles.
-Christians never have financial problems, they are financial opportunities to receive from God.
-We know we win the war, but we need to fight to win the battles in the mean time.
-We need to use the equipment God gave us to learn to be in communication with Him.
-I'm praying this stuff and I'm thinking this is crazy.
-What was God doing? He was rubbing satan's face in it.
-If your theology leads you to question God's goodness, then change your theology.
-The greater the test of faith, the greater the possibility for lasting fruit.
-God has control over all things, but He doesn't control everything because he wants to be relationship with us.
-If your not going to do what God says, don't ask Him. It's worse.
-My potential is in my will and God's will is my potential.
-Whatever you obey is your god.
-Sometimes the warfare is just getting out there, pushing through, stepping out in faith.
-The devil doesn't want to population to grow because it decreases his influence.
-Your feelings are real, but they are not always truth.
-We need to ask, "God what are you saying that I'm not getting?" NOT "What are you trying to say?"
-Man doesn't live on bread alone, but on every spoken word of God.
-It pays to hear God's voice....literally.
-Money is not the issue, the will of God is the issue.
-Those who pray for the nations, God will send them to the nations.
-When the pressure is on the cream comes to the top.
-Judging is coming to a conclusion before having all the information.
-Just because you see something that needs to be done doesn't mean you're the one who needs to do it.
-You must not underestimate the significance that God can do through you through prayer and intercession.
-God is just looking for people who are available.
-It is globalism that wants us to say we all believe in the same god.
-All the enemies of God are found in scripture.
-Satan wants to destroy our intimate relationship with God.

There were so many more, but these were the ones I felt called to add. I was so blessed this week in so many ways: spiritually, emotionally, in friendships, and by words.  Thank you again for all of your support, love, prayer, and encouragement.

PS I love comments :)

1 comment:

Samantha said...

You asked for comments... here is a joke that I hope makes you smile.

Q. What kind of man was Boaz before he got married?
A. Ruth-less.
